A Note From Evan Cole, Founder of HOPE

Grief is personal. I know this first hand, as no child should predecease their parent. My second eldest son, Jarrad, was tragically killed outside our home in Fair Oaks, CA. He was 18 years old, having just graduated from high school and being accepted to the Vallejo Maritime Academy. There's a trite saying, "time heals all wounds." In my case, it doesn't. It simply separates me from the moment of this tragic event, but it doesn't reduce the sting.

If you are grieving, I recommend you take as long as you need to grieve because only you can decide when is the right time to reengage. Just know, if you are seeking financial guidance from one who will hold your best interest at heart, I am here for you. I will work with you to make the best decisions for you with patience, kindness and understanding. The most important aspect to your process is taking your time, because there is no need to rush.

HOPE When it Matters Most

If you’ve ever experienced a great loss; be it a spouse, parent, sibling or child, or even a beloved pet, you know all too well how difficult it is to adjust to your “new normal.” Even basic decisions like what to get at the grocery store can be a challenge.

So, if you find yourself in a period of grief, we will discourage you from making rash investment decisions. If at all possible, it’s best to make financial decisions with a clear head. Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise probably doesn’t have your best interests at heart. HOPE is here to offer comfort, support, and steady guidance during this difficult time.

HOPE for Navigating the Seven Stages of Grief

  • Shock

    Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. You can also protect your finances by not making rash decisions.

  • Denial

    You know something life-changing has happened, but it doesn’t feel real. It’s also at this stage where you may not be able to comprehend the real-world consequences of your financial choices.

  • Anger

    It’s perfectly normal to feel anger in times of loss. But it’s important to not let your anger influence major life decisions, especially when it comes to your finances.

  • Bargaining

    A bereaved person may seek reason where there is none, and think about what they’d give up to go back to the way things were. This is a time where you need to ensure a personal loss does not lead to a financial loss.

  • Guilt

    Often times, people feel guilt over past behavior, or feel in some way to blame. It’s important to process these feelings and not let them cloud your financial judgement.

  • Depression

    Depression is a normal and healthy part of the grieving process. Counseling from professionals can help you work through your feelings and find ways to reframe your personal and financial life.

  • HOPE

    Although life will never be the same, there is hope that life will go on. You will find your new normal, find reasons to smile, and find the strength and guidance to look forward to fulfilling your hopes and dreams.


HOPE to Be Prepared: Power of Attorney and Medical Health Directive

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone else to act on your behalf. Powers of attorney can be helpful to older people and others who want to choose a trusted person to act when they cannot.

A medical health directive, also known as a living will, is a legal document in which a person specifies what actions should be taken for their health if they are no longer able to make decisions for themselves because of illness or incapacity.

Taking care of these in advance ensures you can plan for, and have control over, what happens with your assets should you no longer be able to. HOPE can help you create a plan that accounts for the unforeseen events we all face in life.